
IVPN strives to meet the expectations of all users and offers unlimited support to help users with any problems they may face.

If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you can request a full refund within 30 days of your payment. This full refund offer is available once per account and per customer.

Below is the information you need to email for each payment method:

Credit Card

  • Your IVPN Account safe reference (XXXXXXXX) or the IVPN Account ID (i-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX / ivpnXXXXXXXX).

If you do not remember your account details, provide us with the first 6 digits of the card number, the last 4 digits of the card number, the date of the payment, and the amount paid.


  • Your IVPN Account safe reference (XXXXXXXX) or the IVPN Account ID (i-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX / ivpnXXXXXXXX).

If you do not remember your account details, provide us with your PayPal account email address and the transaction ID associated with the purchase.

Bitcoin and Monero

  • Your IVPN Account safe reference (XXXXXXXX) or the IVPN Account ID (i-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX / ivpnXXXXXXXX).

  • Your Bitcoin / Monero wallet address to receive the refund.

If you do not remember your account details, provide us with the transaction ID for your Bitcoin or Monero payment, the payment date, and the amount paid.

Please note: IVPN Light purchases are non-refundable.

Android In-App Purchase

  • Your IVPN Account safe reference (XXXXXXXX) or the IVPN Account ID (i-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX / ivpnXXXXXXXX).

  • Google Play Store transaction ID that starts with GPA..

iOS In-App Purchase

App Store purchases are refunded by Apple. Details on how to submit the refund claim to Apple can be found here.

Cash and Vouchers

Cash and Voucher payments are non-refundable.

Please note: We do not offer prorated refunds.

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