Posts about Apps

Windows support and privacy improvements for WireGuard

Windows support and privacy improvements for WireGuard

When picking a VPN service there are multiple criteria for evaluation, starting with questions like who owns the company behind it, whether your provider keeps logs and what happens with the data you share. Two further measures are usually on the top of the remaining list: the type of security the service provides and the connection speed you can achieve while using it.

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New 'Pause VPN' feature for IVPN apps

New 'Pause VPN' feature for IVPN apps

We’ve recently released new versions of our desktop and Android apps with a new ‘Pause VPN’ feature. Based on feedback from customers, we discovered that some were disconnecting temporarily from the VPN in order to connect to various services that were blocked whilst connected e.

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The new IVPN app for iOS

The new IVPN app for iOS

After hundreds (if not thousands) of requests, we’re proud to release the IVPN app for mobile devices running iOS. If you’d like to download it immediately simply navigate to the iOS setup page. I’d like to take this opportunity to provide interested customers with more information about the security configuration and design goals of the app.

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