Status Update: Current Threats To Online Privacy
Privacy & Security

Status Update: Current Threats To Online Privacy

Back in April we rounded up six major pieces of legislation that posed a threat to online privacy and online freedoms in the western world. In the last few months since that post there have been a few developments, with some bills winding their way further through state legal systems, and others wilting in the face of popular protest.

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The UK's political parties don't care about online privacy
Privacy & Security

The UK's political parties don't care about online privacy

The propaganda machine around the UK coalition government’s new online surveillance bill, designed to help law enforcement agencies spy on UK citizens without judicial oversight, is in full flow. The last two weeks have seen advocates from the Conservative party take to the airwaves, putting their views across TV and radio shows in attempt to convince the British public that the bill will help keep children safe from peadophiles and the general public safe from terrorists.

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