General news about IVPN - changes to our service and infrastructure, yearly audit results and announcements about business and ethical choices.

Should Gibraltar be classified as a member of the 'five eyes' alliance?

Should Gibraltar be classified as a member of the 'five eyes' alliance?

There is a widely circulated misconception that Gibraltar is a part of the United Kingdom (UK). This misconception is reflected in the apparent classification of Gibraltarian VPN service providers as UK service providers. Such a classification misleads the users of Gibraltarian VPN services (such as IVPN) by giving them the false impression that Gibraltarian VPN services are governed by the UK laws and hence are subject to the signals intelligence sharing of the five eyes or ‘fourteen eyes’ alliances.

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Scheduled server maintenance – June 2015

Scheduled server maintenance – June 2015

In preparation for the new Multi-hop network we need to perform maintenance on several servers. Expected downtime is less than 30 mins per server. Only the servers listed below will be affected. Any active connections to the servers below will be disconnected at the time of the upgrade.

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