Updating the IVPN Certificate Authority

IVPN News By Iain Douglas | Posted on May 18, 2020

This is an advanced warning that you may need to take action to continue using our service beyond 20th July 10:56 2020 UTC.

The IVPN Certificate Authority (CA) is used to sign certificates we issue for our servers. This allows your computer to verify that the VPN server it is connecting to is one of IVPN’s and not one operated by someone else. You can use our service after 20 July with the following app versions:

Please check if your IVPN apps are up-to-date and download the latest versions to avoid disruptions.

Configuration file users

WireGuard and IPSec/IKEv2 - no action required.

More info

The IVPN CA was created 10 years ago and will expire on 20th July 2020. When this happens certificates issued by the CA will become untrusted and OpenVPN connections to our VPN servers will stop working.

In preparation for this event, we have created a new CA and root certificate. We used this to create new VPN server certificates. We also used the old CA to cross sign the new CA root certificate. We have already updated our infrastructure and until 20th July connections to our servers using the old CA certificate and the new CA certificate will be trusted.

If you have any questions please contact support@ivpn.net

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