Test the new IVPN apps in our first beta program

Releases By Viktor Vecsei | Posted on August 11, 2020

Our team is preparing new and revamped IVPN apps for shipping to all customers. Major changes include a redesigned UI on all platforms and the addition of GUI to our Linux app.

We invite you to get a sneak peek, test our apps over the next few weeks and help deliver a bug-free release.

ivpn beta apps with new ui

How to participate?

iOS: Get access to the beta app through TestFlight by following this link, then log in with your existing username.

Android, macOS, Linux and Windows: Download the beta application from the beta section on our site, install, then log in with your existing username.

For testing on desktop, make sure that you have the latest IVPN apps installed (v2.12.4 for macOS\Windows, v2.12.5 for Linux) before installing the beta version.

Note: our beta service is only available to customers who have an active subscription with IVPN. If you wish to participate in this test, but you are not a customer or your previous plan has expired, we recommend purchasing a new subscription.

What to look out for while testing?
Hearing about your experiences is the aim of this project. While we welcome tips on improvements, we are primarily looking for reports on bugs we can fix before the full release.

slide up panel in ivpn beta apps

How to give feedback?

Pick the most convenient for you from these options:

  1. Post your findings in the dedicated Reddit thread
  2. Respond the the tweet about the program
  3. Respond to our post on Mastodon
  4. Drop us an email to beta@ivpn.net
  5. Send your findings through the TestFlight app (on iOS)

Thanks for your participation and happy testing!

IVPN Staff

We invite you to discuss this post in our Reddit community or on Twitter. You can also send your feedback to blog@ivpn.net.

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