Key rotation issue fix in IVPN iOS app – update required

Releases By Viktor Vecsei | Posted on February 18, 2025

In summary: We identified a potential DNS leak issue affecting our iOS app in brief intervals during WireGuard key regeneration.

Details of the issue

When IVPN iOS app rotates WireGuard keys while VPN is connected, the app calls the asynchronous method setTunnelNetworkSettings to update VPN tunnel with new configuration. At both the start and completion of setTunnelNetworkSettings , the IVPN app does not register the VPN tunnel as disconnected. A DNS leak test identifies a brief window where the VPN tunnel temporarily disconnects., causing network traffic to bypass the tunnel.

To fix this issue, an additional reasserting: Bool flag is now implemented when calling the setTunnelNetworkSettings method. This signals to the OS/device that VPN tunnel is being updated - setting this flag prevents any network traffic from bypassing the VPN tunnel.

Next actions for customers

Customers using IVPN’s iOS apps may be affected. This issue does not affect IVPN apps on other platforms.

If you rely on the IVPN app for iOS, we recommend updating to the latest version (v2.12.5) immediately:

Apps Security Transparency WireGuard
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